400+ Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2024
Table of Contents
Steps to follow how to do 400+ Free Social Bookmarking Sites List 2024.
Step 1 Open the website which is given in below list.
Step 2 In list i provide the username & password. Then go to Login option and click on it.
Step 3 Enter the username and password which is given in the list.
Step 4 Then Sign in, after that you will submit option in menu and click on that.
Step 5 After click on Submit option, then enter the URL & after adding URL you can see the option for adding title, tags, description, captcha.
Step 6 Submit all details and click on save changes and submit option and after that your social bookmarking is live and it is 100% dofollow backlinks.
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Website | Password | Username |
http://mediajx.com | bd7468QaAc | Gabriel1o91cde4 |
http://bookmark-dofollow.com | cg9346CfMo | Luis4c58wab3 |
http://bookmark-template.com | ee3175AeRi | Carson4z46qrt0 |
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https://socialmediatotal.com | gh1356FgMn | Aiden5k70aaa2 |
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